Monday, October 5, 2009

Just When You Think You Just Have Colds? Think Again, It Could Be Something Else

Nowadays, a lot of health problems are starting to affect our well-being. The most common health problem that strikes each and every one of us is the common cold. Common old is an upper respiratory tract infection caused by viruses and is considered the most common infectious disease in humans. Common cold is highly contagious yet barely fatal. But how sure are you that the common cold you have is just “common cold” caused by the rhinovirus and not anything else? Have you heard about the cold symptoms caused by black molds?

The black mold or the stachybotrys chartarum, also known as the toxic mold is the black dirt-like substance that we see on our bathroom tiles, drywall, and in moist areas where there are water pipe leaks, overflowing bathtubs and kitchen sink and in the basement. The black mold is a fungus that thrives in moist and humid areas. Sometimes, black molds start to contaminate our homes undetected especially if the source of moisture is unknown. Any type of mold can cause health problems, but the black mold is the most dangerous one as it causes a lot of adverse effects. Black mold’s spores contain mycotoxins. These mycotoxins are responsible for causing the health hazards. That’s why black mold removal is essential in the maintenance of one’s well-being.

Some people think that their flu like symptoms is just common cold, but what they don’t know is that it could be symptoms of infection caused by the toxic black mold. Mold symptoms are very much similar to cold symptoms. The mycotoxins of black molds strike and affect mostly those who are immunocompromised – infants, elder persons, those with an existing illness and those who are taking immunosuppressant drugs. Just like the common cold virus, black mold mycotoxins also attack the immune system making the affected person more susceptible to it. After which the affected person may start to manifest signs and symptoms of runny nose, sore throat, fever, coughing, sneezing, body malaise, fatigue, pink or irritated eye, headaches, and respiratory tract infections.

Frequent exposure to black mold could further suppress you immune system thereby increasing the mold infection’s resistance against you antibodies and start attacking the central nervous system and other vital organs such as the brain, liver and kidneys. Central nervous system symptoms may be manifested by irritability, decreased attention span, seizures, dizziness, lightheadedness, and headaches.

Black mold removal is highly recommended and to prevent these toxic molds from doing any harm to you and your loved ones. Spring time in New York is the best time for mold growth because of moisture and the climate starts to get warmer. This will also be the best time to start the New York mold inspection of each and every household so as to prevent and early detect mold growth and be able to perform necessary black mold removal actions.

Remember that health is wealth and it should be taken cared of properly. Don’t just take any common colds lightly. Inspect your homes regularly for any moisture condensation, pipe leaks, roof holes or any possible source of mold growth.
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Why Is There A Need For A New York Mold Inspection

Molds are of the fungi family and come in various types. One type of mold is the toxic black mold. The black mold resembles a dirt-like substance that is found in our bathroom and kitchen tiles, wet carpeting and parts of our home that were damaged by water. The toxic black mold, just like any other mold is to be regarded and viewed a s a threat to out health. All molds contain spores. These spores are responsible for the germination and contamination of molds to all areas inside our house that are fibrous and filled with moisture. Spores when spread, carry with them the mycotoxins that causes health hazards.

As a health hazard mold spores may causes ailments. Molds cause allergic reactions, exacerbations of asthma, and much graver health problems to persons who have problems with their immune system. People who have immune system problems who are affected by molds are those whose immune systems are unable to fight off the mycotoxins brought about by mold.

Mold growths inside your home are easy to prevent. Allowing air to circulate inside you home is one way to prevent mold growth and to get rid as soon as possible any signs of moisture. However, if the mold problem exists that is too much for you to handle yourself brought about by natural causes such as floods or other structural factors like holes in the roof, leaks on the plumbing system, moisture condensation within the dry walls and inside the air conditioning system, it is always recommended to have certified mold inspectors check out the mold problem.

There a lot of New York Mold Inspection firms in New York that you can call upon for a mold inspection in your home. However, mold inspection is something that should not be taken lightly and should only be trusted to mold inspection firms that have already built a good reputation through years and years of experience in mold inspection and mold remediation. The mold inspection is commenced soon as the mold inspection firm sends out a team of mold inspectors into your place to check out on the mold problem.

Upon visit, the mold inspector conducts an interview and ask you, the homeowner, questions pertaining to the water problems that the house might have had before or any history of mold infestation in your place. The inspector then examines each part of your home where possible growth of mold is taking place aside from the obvious areas. Once spotted, the mold inspector takes samples of the mold to check for the type of the mold and the extent of mold contamination. He also measures the humidity inside your home and takes air samples. These samples are then brought into their laboratory MICRO certified laboratory for testing. Depending on how efficient the mold inspection form works, the New York Mold Inspection report may be made available for you in less than 24 hours or more.

The mold inspection report contains all the significant information that you as a homeowner needs to know regarding your current living condition and the mold problem. A Mew York Mold Inspection report is significant in helping you and you family in so many ways. Firstly, the report contains valid evidence of the findings during the mold inspection including the recommended remedies to solve the problem. Secondly, the mold inspection report also gives the homeowner an idea as to the possible causes of the mold contamination such as roof leaks, the sources of mold and other home damages that might pose as a health hazard. Thirdly, the mold inspection report may also be used by the physicians to confirm their diagnosis of allergy to have been caused by molds. In that way, they are able to narrow down the causes and proceed with the appropriate regimen.

The New York mold inspection report may also be useful for the buyers who want to buy a house. The home inspection report is unbiased and should not be viewed as something to embarrass you, but to provide you with facts that could cause you and your family’s health to alter as well as with remedies on how to deal with the mold problem. If you think you have a mold problem, call your New York mold inspection firm today and they’ll take care of it for you.
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Find Out What’s Causing Your Allergy Symptoms

If you are somebody who lives in New York and has never had an allergy before and is now manifesting signs and symptoms of minor allergic reactions, or if you are somebody who has allergy histories and is now experiencing exacerbations despite your compliance to medications and food and lifestyle changes, then perhaps you need to get an NYC Mold Inspection. It could be that the cause of your allergy or the exacerbations of you allergy is mold.

Checking your home for mold is something you can do yourself, however, if you are really after of the welfare of your health, having a pro to do the inspection is always the right thing to do as they are more knowledgeable in the field of NYC mold inspection and are equipped with gadgets and state of the art equipments in making their mold inspection more accurate and efficient. If you chose to do the mold inspection yourself, be very particular with smells. Mold infestation is hallmarked by musty or urine-like odor that reduces air quality inside your living area. If you have a smell like this in your household, then you are having mold infestation. Common causes of this is that if you’ve had previous history of flooding in your home or major roof leaks that were not tended properly. Moisture attracts mold growth and when left unaided, mold continues to proliferate and cause damage and health problems.

Next thing you can do is to go about in all rooms and areas of your house and check for visible signs of mold growth. Be very particular in areas of your house that are most likely to harbor moisture such as your bathroom, laundry room, basement, kitchen area, and the likes. Depending on the type of mold that have contaminated your home, molds may appear greenish, grey, brown, or black. Molds and mildews are most likely to be found in between your bathroom tiles or cracks in the corner of your bathroom floor or bathtub. Molds also have the tendency to grow in shower curtains. So be very particular with these areas of the house.

Once you have identified and located the mold infestation, check if the infestation is small or large, a small infestation is something you can handle yourself, however, if you are already having allergies you might want to think about doing the mold removal as this might cause to further aggravate your current health condition as molds contain spores that when touched or disturbed, can spread through the air, increasing the likelihood of you to inhale or ingest the them. If you are more concerned of your health, let the experts at mold remediation do the job for you. A couple of hundred bucks spent on NYC mold inspection and mold remediation is nothing compared to the thousand of dollars you’ll be spending on your maintenance medication and hospitalization because of severe allergy and other graver problems caused by molds.

Mold remediation is important in maintaining your own health. Under right conditions, mold can grow fast. To prevent this from happening, take out the cause of infestation in the case of mold, moisture. Mold can proliferate in as short as 24 hours, so you need to act fast and deal with the problem as soon as it is identified.
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Dealing With Your Household Mold Problem

Dealing With Your Household Mold Problem

In most circumstances, you will find black dirt on the surface of your wall or in moist places or potions of your house like the laundry room at the basement, bathroom, kitchen tiles and caulking of your bath tubs and sinks. These dirt-like substances are not to be overlooked or just taken forgranted as they can cause a lot of problems. Commonly known as mildew or mold, these fungal infestations are noted to have caused harmful health effects humans and animals.

As soon as they are spotted, the NYC mold removal process should take place. May it be a “do it yourself” or done by the mold remediation experts, mold removal is something that should be done in the soonest time possible to prevent its spread and cause health problems.

Molds appear as fussy and downy growth and thrive well in moist and humid conditions, devouring on porous and highly fibrous materials such as wood, paper, and fabric. Since moisture is what keeps the molds from thriving, the best thing to do in dealing with the mold problem is to dry out the moisture. The use of electric fan as a means of drying out the damp is not recommended as it may cause the mold spores to spread, thereby contaminating other areas of the house. Allow air to circulate inside you home by opening the windows and doors. Molds also grow best in dark and humid areas. Using dehumidifiers to lessen up the humidity is a good way to stop the source of mold growth. Lighting up the dark area may also help.

There are different types of molds. Some of these molds are used on the processing of foods, while there are some used in medications like the antibiotics. However, there are molds that are considered toxic and are detrimental to human health. Common example of these molds is the toxic black mold. Black mold’s spores contain mycotoxins that when inhaled or ingested could cause a lot of health problems such as cough, upper respiratory tract infection, headache, runny nose, bleeding lungs, and on worst conditions, kidney and liver disease as well as the involvement of the organs and other structures of the central nervous system such as the brain.

If mold removal is something that you are not knowledgeable of, asking help from NYC mold removal experts to deal with the mold problems is the best move to take. Mold removal experts are professionals in the field of mold remediation and are more knowledgeable in dealing with the mold problem. In asking help, choose the NYC mold removal firm that conforms to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines in mold removal, as this is the surest way to secure the safety of you and your family.

Molds are of different species, and the experts at mold remediation know how to deal with each species. The NYC mold removal team is equipped with mold remediation gadgets and equipments needed in dealing with the mold problem. The most effective way to deal with the mold problem is to prevent the problem itself. Clean your bathroom, sinks and bathtubs regularly, change the shower curtain, dry out visible moistures as soon as possible, promote good ventilation inside your home and have your homes inspected.

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Five Boro: Exercise Your Right – Protect Yourself From Molds


Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.
1565 Hendrickson Street
Brooklyn, New York 11234
(646) 758-0547

Five Boro: Exercise Your Right – Protect Yourself From Molds

Manhattan, New York, September 22, 2009 – Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. encourages all tenants to exercise their rights to a clean and healthy living by protecting their family of own self against the perilous molds. Moving into an apartment and signing a contract lease does not mean that you are bound to that contract for the rest of your stay. Knowing your right to live a healthy life will help you a lot. It is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure the safety and health of his tenants. The New York Mold Inspection experts of Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. will walk you through the process of how a mold inspection can protect your interest.

No matter what type of establishment you are renting may be it an apartment, a house or building, any disruption in your health’s continuum or that of your family’s that is brought about by the health hazards caused by mold infestation secondary to the poor management of the establishment is the responsibility of the landlord.

If you suspect mold infestation and you wanted a home inspection conducted to provide credibility to your suspicion, the fees for the home inspection process is to be shouldered by you including the charges for the mold remediation and mold testing. However, if any members of your family become sick, the landlord is responsible to pay for the hospital and doctor’s bills, medications and other damages that the mold infestation have caused.

Nowadays, a lot of laws are passed and enacted in all states of America including New York to protect you from the problems that mold infestation might bring. This is where the importance of New York Mold Inspection sets in. The mold inspection gives a report of the over all structure of the establishment including the causes of mold infestation and the extent of the contamination. If the mold inspectors found out during the mold inspection process that the causes of mold growth are brought about by leaks in the plumbing system, holes in the roofs, water stagnation in the crawl areas, and moisture condensation in the heating and air conditioning systems, it’ll be the sole responsibility of the land lord to relocate the tenants to a mold-free environment and reimburse their payments for the lease, and mold inspection and testing.

If you suspect mold growth, have it checked by the New York Mold Inspection experts. Five Boro Mold Specialist Inc. is New York’s number mold inspection and mold remediation firm. The mold inspection reports submitted by Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. are formatted according to NYS court system to assist their clients in civil matters pertaining to landlord/tenant. Their mold inspection analysis and reports are also widely acknowledged and accepted by insurance companies for reimbursement for water and/or mold related damages based on individual coverage.

About Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.:
Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. has over a decade of experience in mold remediation and water damage prevention for New York City’s five boroughs and the metropolitan area. The company has been servicing homeowners, landlords, tenants, businesses, schools, municipal buildings and more with complete mold eradication.
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Mold inspections NYC-mold remediation nyc,mold removal services nyc,mold inspections nyc

Mold Inspection – A Significant Part Of The Home Selling and Buying Process


Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.
1565 Hendrickson Street
Brooklyn, New York 11234
(646) 758-0547

Mold Inspection – A Significant Part Of The Home Selling and Buying Process

Brooklyn, New York, September 22, 2009 – Of all the many lists of things to do prior to purchasing or selling a home, the home inspection and mold inspection process is the most crucial part, as this determines whether the home you intend to sell or buy is habitable and free of health risks and hazards. Molds are often times the culprits for the respiratory and allergic problems that people are experiencing especially if the cause is not clearly ruled out. Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. stresses the importance of a NYC mold inspection prior to the buying or selling a house.

There are various types of disease conditions that can be attributed to mold infection and some of these health problems are viewed as life threatening and can even cause death especially to those whose immune systems are compromised or weak. Most of the time, the diseases caused by molds are misdiagnosed especially if the main causative organism or factor to these diseases are mistakenly identified as something else and not the mold per se.

Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. provides NYC mold inspection services together with the home inspection process to make certain that all parts and component of the house are examined and determined whether the house is fit for display in the market. It is easy to spot mold growth when the infestation is visible. However, if the mold influxation in unseen, especially those that are situated at behind the ceilings and dry walls, crawl area of the house, basement, heating and air conditioning ducts it is best to have a certified mold inspector the entire household during the home inspection process.

The NYC mold inspection process that is intended for the purpose of real estate deals is far different than a regular home inspection. What sets mold inspection apart from it is that it requires assessment of moisture in the home, visual examination and sample testing, and review of past mold remediation documents whenever possible or if there are any history of mold infestation. “We use only the state-of-the-art facilities and equipments needed in our mold inspection services,” said Bill Davis, a Five Boro mold inspector. “With the use of our infrared imaging scanners, we are able to see every inch of the house infested by molds without having to force open walls or ceilings,” Bill added. Five Boro also uses moisture detectors to determine which part of the house contains the most moisture.

About Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.:
Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. has over a decade of experience in mold remediation and water damage prevention for New York City’s five boroughs and the metropolitan area. The company has been servicing homeowners, landlords, tenants, businesses, schools, municipal buildings and more with complete mold eradication. Five Boro holds highly experienced staff that are professionally trained and dedicated to providing premium services.

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Certified Mold Inspections: Helping You Restore You New York Home’s Health

Certified Mold Inspections: Helping You Restore You New York Home’s Health

Certified Mold Inspections
New York
Tel: 718-677-6653

Certified Mold Inspections: Helping You Restore You New York Home’s Health

Manhattan, New York, September 22, 2009 – New York Mold Removal companies like the Certified Mold Inspections is a mold remediation, home inspection and water damage restoration company who is these to help you restore your home’s health. There was never a doubt that molds, especially the toxic black mold causes great deal of adverse effects to you and your family’s especially to members of your family who have weak immune systems. Molds are often the unknown cause of the worsening of asthma symptoms, cold or flu-like symptoms and allergic reactions.
Certified Mold Inspections is a mold remediation, mold removal and home inspection company who is after the welfare of you and your home. CMI is there to remove the hazard already present in you home and to prevent it from coming back. CMI understands that mold is a major concern by all and how devastating these fussy microbes can be to the structural components of your home. Not to mention its adverse effects to human health.
Oftentimes, when the damage caused by water or mold is too large, and salvage of furnitures, carpeting, and structural parts of the house is not permitted, the homeowners will have to exhaust their savings on repairs as well, purchase of furnitures and materials for the restructuring of the house. This will be an added expense on their part aside from the expense that they will have to pay for the home inspection and mold removal services that are also dependent on the extent of the damage.
Although mold inspection and mold removal are important, some homeowners are having second thoughts about having their home inspected because of the very high cost of these services. What’s worst is that home damages caused by molds and mold remediation services are not covered by some insurance companies. Making home owners become more upset. Some homeowners even tried to ask their insurance companies for mold claims, but to no avail.
This is where Certified Mold Inspections shines above the other companies. CMI’s mold inspection reports and analysis are widely acknowledged by insurance companies in New York for reimbursements for mold and/or water damages based on the coverage needs of every homeowner. This simply shows that Certified Mold Inspections is truly after of your home’s health and not the interest of their own company; probably the reason why Certified Mold Inspections is considered as the leading New York Mold Removal Company.

About Certified Mold Inspections:
Certified Mold Inspections has over a decade of experience in mold remediation and water damage prevention for NYC’s five boroughs and metropolitan city. The firm uses state-of-the-art equipment, special toxic cleansing gear and EPE-approved chemical to rid you property of health-threatening toxic mold. CMI holds the reputation of New York City’s pioneer and leader in effective mold removal and remediation.


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Mold inspections NYC-mold remediation nyc,mold removal services nyc,mold inspections nyc

Know If Your Home Is At Risk For Mold Contamination


Certified Mold Inspections
New York
Tel: 718-677-6653

Know If Your Home Is At Risk For Mold Contamination

New York, New York, September 23, 2009 – NYC mold removal is the most demanded mold remediation service in New York. Certified Mold Inspections, the leading NYC mold removal company in New York, identifies risk factors that might lead to mold infestation in your home.

Certified Mold Inspections have identified fine furnishings and antiques to be possible sources of mold. Old furnitures and antique stuffs that are bought from antique shops are stored in storage areas for quite some time. Sometimes, these storage areas lack ventilation and humidity control. Knowing molds, these fussy microbes thrive well in areas that are dark, humid and moist. With the lack of ventilation and proper lighting, it most likely that these antiquities are contaminated with molds. Notice how old furnitures and carpets have that musty odor? This musty odor is the hallmark of mold infestation. Before bringing these old stuffs home, think again. Would you be willing to risk your own health?

CMI also identifies plants and animals as causative factors for mold infestation inside your home. Remember that molds are helpful in the ecosystem as they contribute to the decaying process of dead plants and animals. Sometimes, mold spores are lodged in the leaves of plants where they grow and germinate. There is a great chance that your household pets such as your cats and dogs may spread the mold sires inside your house since it is unavoidable for these animals not to play around in your garden.

Defects or leaks in your plumbing system, roofs and pooling of water in the basement and crawl spaces may also put your home to high risk of germinating mold. Any form of excess moisture is a good environment for mold growth. NYC mold removal tip given by CMI is to stop the possible source of mold growth by fixing the leaks and holes.

It is always wise to start with the mold removal as soon as the mold growth is spotted. Once spotted, immediately eliminate the source of mold infestation – moisture and humidity. The removal of mold may be in the form of cleaning, disinfecting and may also include repairs, and carpeting something that you can do yourself if the contamination is minor. However, if you think that the mold problem is too much for you to handle, you could always call on the number one NYC mold removal firm in New York, Certified Mold Inspections, and they’ll do the job efficiently and thoroughly for you.

About Certified Mold Inspections:
Certified Mold Inspections has over a decade of experience in mold remediation and water damage prevention for NYC’s five boroughs and metropolitan city. The firm uses state-of-the-art equipment, special toxic cleansing gear and EPE-approved chemical to rid you property of health-threatening toxic mold. CMI holds the reputation of New York City’s pioneer and leader in effective mold removal and remediation.
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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Know If Your Home Is At Risk For Mold Contamination


Certified Mold Inspections
New York
Tel: 718-677-6653

Know If Your Home Is At Risk For Mold Contamination

New York, New York, September 23, 2009 – NYC mold removal is the most demanded mold remediation service in New York. Certified Mold Inspections, the leading NYC mold removal company in New York, identifies risk factors that might lead to mold infestation in your home.

Certified Mold Inspections have identified fine furnishings and antiques to be possible sources of mold. Old furnitures and antique stuffs that are bought from antique shops are stored in storage areas for quite some time. Sometimes, these storage areas lack ventilation and humidity control. Knowing molds, these fussy microbes thrive well in areas that are dark, humid and moist. With the lack of ventilation and proper lighting, it most likely that these antiquities are contaminated with molds. Notice how old furnitures and carpets have that musty odor? This musty odor is the hallmark of mold infestation. Before bringing these old stuffs home, think again. Would you be willing to risk your own health?

CMI also identifies plants and animals as causative factors for mold infestation inside your home. Remember that molds are helpful in the ecosystem as they contribute to the decaying process of dead plants and animals. Sometimes, mold spores are lodged in the leaves of plants where they grow and germinate. There is a great chance that your household pets such as your cats and dogs may spread the mold sires inside your house since it is unavoidable for these animals not to play around in your garden.

Defects or leaks in your plumbing system, roofs and pooling of water in the basement and crawl spaces may also put your home to high risk of germinating mold. Any form of excess moisture is a good environment for mold growth. NYC mold removal tip given by CMI is to stop the possible source of mold growth by fixing the leaks and holes.

It is always wise to start with the mold removal as soon as the mold growth is spotted. Once spotted, immediately eliminate the source of mold infestation – moisture and humidity. The removal of mold may be in the form of cleaning, disinfecting and may also include repairs, and carpeting something that you can do yourself if the contamination is minor. However, if you think that the mold problem is too much for you to handle, you could always call on the number one NYC mold removal firm in New York, Certified Mold Inspections, and they’ll do the job efficiently and thoroughly for you.

About Certified Mold Inspections:
Certified Mold Inspections has over a decade of experience in mold remediation and water damage prevention for NYC’s five boroughs and metropolitan city. The firm uses state-of-the-art equipment, special toxic cleansing gear and EPE-approved chemical to rid you property of health-threatening toxic mold. CMI holds the reputation of New York City’s pioneer and leader in effective mold removal and remediation.


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Mold inspections NYC-mold remediation nyc,mold removal services nyc,mold inspections nyc

Certified Mold Inspections: Helping You Restore You New York Home’s Health


Certified Mold Inspections
New York
Tel: 718-677-6653

Certified Mold Inspections: Helping You Restore You New York Home’s Health

Manhattan, New York, September 22, 2009 – New York Mold Removal companies like the Certified Mold Inspections is a mold remediation, home inspection and water dame restoration company who is these to help you restore your home’s health. There was never a doubt that molds, especially the toxic black mold causes great deal of adverse effects to you and your family’s especially to members of your family who have weak immune systems. Molds are often the unknown cause of the worsening of asthma symptoms, cold or flu-like symptoms and allergic reactions.
Certified Mold Inspections is a mold remediation, mold removal and home inspection company who is after the welfare of you and your home. CMI is there to remove the hazard already present in you home and to prevent it from coming back. CMI understands that mold is a major concern by all and how devastating these fussy microbes can be to the structural components of your home. Not to mention its adverse effects to human health.
Oftentimes, when the damage caused by water or mold is too large, and salvage of furnitures, carpeting, and structural parts of the house is not permitted, the homeowners will have to exhaust their savings on repairs as well, purchase of furnitures and materials for the restructuring of the house. This will be an added expense on their part aside from the expense that they will have to pay for the home inspection and mold removal services that are also dependent on the extent of the damage.
Although mold inspection and mold removal are important, some homeowners are having second thoughts about having their home inspected because of the very high cost of these services. What’s worst is that home damages caused by molds and mold remediation services are not covered by some insurance companies. Making home owners become more upset. Some homeowners even tried to ask their insurance companies for mold claims, but to no avail.
This is where Certified Mold Inspections shines above the other companies. CMI’s mold inspection reports and analysis are widely acknowledged by insurance companies in New York for reimbursements for mold and/or water damages based on the coverage needs of every homeowner. This simply shows that Certified Mold Inspections is truly after of your home’s health and not the interest of their own company; probably the reason why Certified Mold Inspections is considered as the leading New York Mold Removal Company.

About Certified Mold Inspections:
Certified Mold Inspections has over a decade of experience in mold remediation and water damage prevention for NYC’s five boroughs and metropolitan city. The firm uses state-of-the-art equipment, special toxic cleansing gear and EPE-approved chemical to rid you property of health-threatening toxic mold. CMI holds the reputation of New York City’s pioneer and leader in effective mold removal and remediation.


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Mold inspections NYC-mold remediation nyc,mold removal services nyc,mold inspections nyc

Mold Inspection – A Significant Part Of The Home Selling and Buying Process


Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.
1565 Hendrickson Street
Brooklyn, New York 11234
(646) 758-0547

Mold Inspection – A Significant Part Of The Home Selling and Buying Process

Brooklyn, New York, September 22, 2009 – Of all the many lists of things to do prior to purchasing or selling a home, the home inspection and mold inspection process is the most crucial part, as this determines whether the home you intend to sell or buy is habitable and free of health risks and hazards. Molds are often times the culprits for the respiratory and allergic problems that people are experiencing especially if the cause is not clearly ruled out. Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. stresses the importance of a NYC mold inspection prior to the buying or selling a house.

There are various types of disease conditions that can be attributed to mold infection and some of these health problems are viewed as life threatening and can even cause death especially to those whose immune systems are compromised or weak. Most of the time, the diseases caused by molds are misdiagnosed especially if the main causative organism or factor to these diseases are mistakenly identified as something else and not the mold per se.

Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. provides NYC mold inspection services together with the home inspection process to make certain that all parts and component of the house are examined and determined whether the house is fit for display in the market. It is easy to spot mold growth when the infestation is visible. However, if the mold influxation in unseen, especially those that are situated at behind the ceilings and dry walls, crawl area of the house, basement, heating and air conditioning ducts it is best to have a certified mold inspector the entire household during the home inspection process.

The NYC mold inspection process that is intended for the purpose of real estate deals is far different than a regular home inspection. What sets mold inspection apart from it is that it requires assessment of moisture in the home, visual examination and sample testing, and review of past mold remediation documents whenever possible or if there are any history of mold infestation. “We use only the state-of-the-art facilities and equipments needed in our mold inspection services,” said Bill Davis, a Five Boro mold inspector. “With the use of our infrared imaging scanners, we are able to see every inch of the house infested by molds without having to force open walls or ceilings,” Bill added. Five Boro also uses moisture detectors to determine which part of the house contains the most moisture.

About Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.:
Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. has over a decade of experience in mold remediation and water damage prevention for New York City’s five boroughs and the metropolitan area. The company has been servicing homeowners, landlords, tenants, businesses, schools, municipal buildings and more with complete mold eradication. Five Boro holds highly experienced staff that are professionally trained and dedicated to providing premium services.


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Mold inspections NYC-mold remediation nyc,mold removal services nyc,mold inspections nyc

Five Boro: Exercise Your Right – Protect Yourself From Molds


Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.
1565 Hendrickson Street
Brooklyn, New York 11234
(646) 758-0547

Five Boro: Exercise Your Right – Protect Yourself From Molds

Manhattan, New York, September 22, 2009 – Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. encourages all tenants to exercise their rights to a clean and healthy living by protecting their family of own self against the perilous molds. Moving into an apartment and signing a contract lease does not mean that you are bound to that contract for the rest of your stay. Knowing your right to live a healthy life will help you a lot. It is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure the safety and health of his tenants. The New York Mold Inspection experts of Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. will walk you through the process of how a mold inspection can protect your interest.

No matter what type of establishment you are renting may be it an apartment, a house or building, any disruption in your health’s continuum or that of your family’s that is brought about by the health hazards caused by mold infestation secondary to the poor management of the establishment is the responsibility of the landlord.

If you suspect mold infestation and you wanted a home inspection conducted to provide credibility to your suspicion, the fees for the home inspection process is to be shouldered by you including the charges for the mold remediation and mold testing. However, if any members of your family become sick, the landlord is responsible to pay for the hospital and doctor’s bills, medications and other damages that the mold infestation have caused.

Nowadays, a lot of laws are passed and enacted in all states of America including New York to protect you from the problems that mold infestation might bring. This is where the importance of New York Mold Inspection sets in. The mold inspection gives a report of the over all structure of the establishment including the causes of mold infestation and the extent of the contamination. If the mold inspectors found out during the mold inspection process that the causes of mold growth are brought about by leaks in the plumbing system, holes in the roofs, water stagnation in the crawl areas, and moisture condensation in the heating and air conditioning systems, it’ll be the sole responsibility of the land lord to relocate the tenants to a mold-free environment and reimburse their payments for the lease, and mold inspection and testing.

If you suspect mold growth, have it checked by the New York Mold Inspection experts. Five Boro Mold Specialist Inc. is New York’s number mold inspection and mold remediation firm. The mold inspection reports submitted by Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. are formatted according to NYS court system to assist their clients in civil matters pertaining to landlord/tenant. Their mold inspection analysis and reports are also widely acknowledged and accepted by insurance companies for reimbursement for water and/or mold related damages based on individual coverage.

About Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.:
Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. has over a decade of experience in mold remediation and water damage prevention for New York City’s five boroughs and the metropolitan area. The company has been servicing homeowners, landlords, tenants, businesses, schools, municipal buildings and more with complete mold eradication.
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Dealing With Your Household Mold Problem

Dealing With Your Household Mold Problem

In most circumstances, you will find black dirt on the surface of your wall or in moist places or potions of your house like the laundry room at the basement, bathroom, kitchen tiles and caulking of your bath tubs and sinks. These dirt-like substances are not to be overlooked or just taken forgranted as they can cause a lot of problems. Commonly known as mildew or mold, these fungal infestations are noted to have caused harmful health effects humans and animals.

As soon as they are spotted, the NYC mold removal process should take place. May it be a “do it yourself” or done by the mold remediation experts, mold removal is something that should be done in the soonest time possible to prevent its spread and cause health problems.

Molds appear as fussy and downy growth and thrive well in moist and humid conditions, devouring on porous and highly fibrous materials such as wood, paper, and fabric. Since moisture is what keeps the molds from thriving, the best thing to do in dealing with the mold problem is to dry out the moisture. The use of electric fan as a means of drying out the damp is not recommended as it may cause the mold spores to spread, thereby contaminating other areas of the house. Allow air to circulate inside you home by opening the windows and doors. Molds also grow best in dark and humid areas. Using dehumidifiers to lessen up the humidity is a good way to stop the source of mold growth. Lighting up the dark area may also help.

There are different types of molds. Some of these molds are used on the processing of foods, while there are some used in medications like the antibiotics. However, there are molds that are considered toxic and are detrimental to human health. Common example of these molds is the toxic black mold. Black mold’s spores contain mycotoxins that when inhaled or ingested could cause a lot of health problems such as cough, upper respiratory tract infection, headache, runny nose, bleeding lungs, and on worst conditions, kidney and liver disease as well as the involvement of the organs and other structures of the central nervous system such as the brain.

If mold removal is something that you are not knowledgeable of, asking help from NYC mold removal experts to deal with the mold problems is the best move to take. Mold removal experts are professionals in the field of mold remediation and are more knowledgeable in dealing with the mold problem. In asking help, choose the NYC mold removal firm that conforms to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines in mold removal, as this is the surest way to secure the safety of you and your family.

Molds are of different species, and the experts at mold remediation know how to deal with each species. The NYC mold removal team is equipped with mold remediation gadgets and equipments needed in dealing with the mold problem. The most effective way to deal with the mold problem is to prevent the problem itself. Clean your bathroom, sinks and bathtubs regularly, change the shower curtain, dry out visible moistures as soon as possible, promote good ventilation inside your home and have your homes inspected.

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Find Out What’s Causing Your Allergy Symptoms

Find Out What’s Causing Your Allergy Symptoms

If you are somebody who lives in New York and has never had an allergy before and is now manifesting signs and symptoms of minor allergic reactions, or if you are somebody who has allergy histories and is now experiencing exacerbations despite your compliance to medications and food and lifestyle changes, then perhaps you need to get an NYC Mold Inspection. It could be that the cause of your allergy or the exacerbations of you allergy is mold.

Checking your home for mold is something you can do yourself, however, if you are really after of the welfare of your health, having a pro to do the inspection is always the right thing to do as they are more knowledgeable in the field of NYC mold inspection and are equipped with gadgets and state of the art equipments in making their mold inspection more accurate and efficient. If you chose to do the mold inspection yourself, be very particular with smells. Mold infestation is hallmarked by musty or urine-like odor that reduces air quality inside your living area. If you have a smell like this in your household, then you are having mold infestation. Common causes of this is that if you’ve had previous history of flooding in your home or major roof leaks that were not tended properly. Moisture attracts mold growth and when left unaided, mold continues to proliferate and cause damage and health problems.

Next thing you can do is to go about in all rooms and areas of your house and check for visible signs of mold growth. Be very particular in areas of your house that are most likely to harbor moisture such as your bathroom, laundry room, basement, kitchen area, and the likes. Depending on the type of mold that have contaminated your home, molds may appear greenish, grey, brown, or black. Molds and mildews are most likely to be found in between your bathroom tiles or cracks in the corner of your bathroom floor or bathtub. Molds also have the tendency to grow in shower curtains. So be very particular with these areas of the house.

Once you have identified and located the mold infestation, check if the infestation is small or large, a small infestation is something you can handle yourself, however, if you are already having allergies you might want to think about doing the mold removal as this might cause to further aggravate your current health condition as molds contain spores that when touched or disturbed, can spread through the air, increasing the likelihood of you to inhale or ingest the them. If you are more concerned of your health, let the experts at mold remediation do the job for you. A couple of hundred bucks spent on NYC mold inspection and mold remediation is nothing compared to the thousand of dollars you’ll be spending on your maintenance medication and hospitalization because of severe allergy and other graver problems caused by molds.

Mold remediation is important in maintaining your own health. Under right conditions, mold can grow fast. To prevent this from happening, take out the cause of infestation in the case of mold, moisture. Mold can proliferate in as short as 24 hours, so you need to act fast and deal with the problem as soon as it is identified.
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Why Is There A Need For A New York Mold Inspection

Why Is There A Need For A New York Mold Inspection

Molds are of the fungi family and come in various types. One type of mold is the toxic black mold. The black mold resembles a dirt-like substance that is found in our bathroom and kitchen tiles, wet carpeting and parts of our home that were damaged by water. The toxic black mold, just like any other mold is to be regarded and viewed a s a threat to out health. All molds contain spores. These spores are responsible for the germination and contamination of molds to all areas inside our house that are fibrous and filled with moisture. Spores when spread, carry with them the mycotoxins that causes health hazards.

As a health hazard mold spores may causes ailments. Molds cause allergic reactions, exacerbations of asthma, and much graver health problems to persons who have problems with their immune system. People who have immune system problems who are affected by molds are those whose immune systems are unable to fight off the mycotoxins brought about by mold.

Mold growths inside your home are easy to prevent. Allowing air to circulate inside you home is one way to prevent mold growth and to get rid as soon as possible any signs of moisture. However, if the mold problem exists that is too much for you to handle yourself brought about by natural causes such as floods or other structural factors like holes in the roof, leaks on the plumbing system, moisture condensation within the dry walls and inside the air conditioning system, it is always recommended to have certified mold inspectors check out the mold problem.

There a lot of New York Mold Inspection firms in New York that you can call upon for a mold inspection in your home. However, mold inspection is something that should not be taken lightly and should only be trusted to mold inspection firms that have already built a good reputation through years and years of experience in mold inspection and mold remediation. The mold inspection is commenced soon as the mold inspection firm sends out a team of mold inspectors into your place to check out on the mold problem.

Upon visit, the mold inspector conducts an interview and ask you, the homeowner, questions pertaining to the water problems that the house might have had before or any history of mold infestation in your place. The inspector then examines each part of your home where possible growth of mold is taking place aside from the obvious areas. Once spotted, the mold inspector takes samples of the mold to check for the type of the mold and the extent of mold contamination. He also measures the humidity inside your home and takes air samples. These samples are then brought into their laboratory MICRO certified laboratory for testing. Depending on how efficient the mold inspection form works, the New York Mold Inspection report may be made available for you in less than 24 hours or more.

The mold inspection report contains all the significant information that you as a homeowner needs to know regarding your current living condition and the mold problem. A Mew York Mold Inspection report is significant in helping you and you family in so many ways. Firstly, the report contains valid evidence of the findings during the mold inspection including the recommended remedies to solve the problem. Secondly, the mold inspection report also gives the homeowner an idea as to the possible causes of the mold contamination such as roof leaks, the sources of mold and other home damages that might pose as a health hazard. Thirdly, the mold inspection report may also be used by the physicians to confirm their diagnosis of allergy to have been caused by molds. In that way, they are able to narrow down the causes and proceed with the appropriate regimen.

The New York mold inspection report may also be useful for the buyers who want to buy a house. The home inspection report is unbiased and should not be viewed as something to embarrass you, but to provide you with facts that could cause you and your family’s health to alter as well as with remedies on how to deal with the mold problem. If you think you have a mold problem, call your New York mold inspection firm today and they’ll take care of it for you.
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Just When You Think You Just Have Colds? Think Again, It Could Be Something Else

Just When You Think You Just Have Colds? Think Again, It Could Be Something Else

Nowadays, a lot of health problems are starting to affect our well-being. The most common health problem that strikes each and every one of us is the common cold. Common old is an upper respiratory tract infection caused by viruses and is considered the most common infectious disease in humans. Common cold is highly contagious yet barely fatal. But how sure are you that the common cold you have is just “common cold” caused by the rhinovirus and not anything else? Have you heard about the cold symptoms caused by black molds?

The black mold or the stachybotrys chartarum, also known as the toxic mold is the black dirt-like substance that we see on our bathroom tiles, drywall, and in moist areas where there are water pipe leaks, overflowing bathtubs and kitchen sink and in the basement. The black mold is a fungus that thrives in moist and humid areas. Sometimes, black molds start to contaminate our homes undetected especially if the source of moisture is unknown. Any type of mold can cause health problems, but the black mold is the most dangerous one as it causes a lot of adverse effects. Black mold’s spores contain mycotoxins. These mycotoxins are responsible for causing the health hazards. That’s why black mold removal is essential in the maintenance of one’s well-being.

Some people think that their flu like symptoms is just common cold, but what they don’t know is that it could be symptoms of infection caused by the toxic black mold. Mold symptoms are very much similar to cold symptoms. The mycotoxins of black molds strike and affect mostly those who are immunocompromised – infants, elder persons, those with an existing illness and those who are taking immunosuppressant drugs. Just like the common cold virus, black mold mycotoxins also attack the immune system making the affected person more susceptible to it. After which the affected person may start to manifest signs and symptoms of runny nose, sore throat, fever, coughing, sneezing, body malaise, fatigue, pink or irritated eye, headaches, and respiratory tract infections.

Frequent exposure to black mold could further suppress you immune system thereby increasing the mold infection’s resistance against you antibodies and start attacking the central nervous system and other vital organs such as the brain, liver and kidneys. Central nervous system symptoms may be manifested by irritability, decreased attention span, seizures, dizziness, lightheadedness, and headaches.

Black mold removal is highly recommended and to prevent these toxic molds from doing any harm to you and your loved ones. Spring time in New York is the best time for mold growth because of moisture and the climate starts to get warmer. This will also be the best time to start the New York mold inspection of each and every household so as to prevent and early detect mold growth and be able to perform necessary black mold removal actions.

Remember that health is wealth and it should be taken cared of properly. Don’t just take any common colds lightly. Inspect your homes regularly for any moisture condensation, pipe leaks, roof holes or any possible source of mold growth.

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Friday, August 28, 2009



Certified Mold Inspections
New York
Tel: 718-677-6653


Manhattan, New York – Total liberty from black molds is what Certified Mold Inspections, Inc. would want New York’s populace to experience. With their quality services in New York mold inspection and New York Mold Remediation to the five boroughs and metropolitan locations in New York, Certified Mold Inspections, Inc.’s mission is to solve New York’s problem of perilous black molds is not a far fetched idea. CMI is the forerunner in the mold remediation industry and continues to provide guaranteed client satisfaction services since its establishment in 1998.

Nowadays, more and more people are getting exposed to environmental pollution and other stressors that can lead to their immune system’s depression. And the last thing that they would want is another threat to their health that the black molds pose. This is where Certified Mold Inspections, Inc. comes into view. CMI continues to help New York’s community in dealing with the pressing issues about health alterations. CMI understands that additional budget expenditure for hospitalization is already too much to handle by everyone. This is why the inspectors and operators at CMI have customized their New York mold removal and New York Mold Inspection Services to suite the community’s needs. “We, at Certified Mold Inspections, Inc. are committed to serve New York’s populace,” said Adam Richards, CMI’s mold inspector. “We see to it that our clients receive the kind of service that they deserve; that’s freeing them from the peril that black molds could bring,” Richards added.

Certified Mold Inspections, Inc.’s New York mold inspection specialists are highly trained individuals who are adept at their specialty fields. They have years of numerous experience and are mold inspections enthusiast. Using their cutting edge infrared scanners and moisture sensors, the inspectors at CMI are able to detect mold influx and can determine the range and size of mold contamination. Included in their mold inspection service are swab samples, leak detection, air testing, inner wall tests as well as lab testing. Certified Mold Inspection’s Inc.’s lab testing is done by skilled lab technicians. They offer a fast turn around of lab results personally.

The New York mold removal service offered by Certified Mold Inspections, Inc. is exceptional. Their equipments and facilities are comprised of HEPA-Vacuum and Dry Ice Blasting to ensure that total mold eradication is rendered. Their disinfectants and antimicrobial agents are all EPA approved. Other services rendered by CMI are filtering and fumigation of air vents and duct systems, decontamination, odor removal, allergy cleansing, carpeting and upholstery sanitation and a lot more.

About CMI
Certified Mold Inspections Inc. is located in New York and holds offices in Manhattan, Brooklyn as well as in Long Island. They also offer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week call assistance based on client’s needs and requests. CMI has over 10 years of experience in NEW York Mold Removal and New York Mold Inspection and prevails to New York’s number one mold remediation expert.

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Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.
1565 Hendrickson Street
Brooklyn, New York 11234
(646) 758-0547


Brooklyn, New York – Five Boro Mold Specialist Inc., takes pride in their satisfactory and outstanding mold remediation service, using their eagle eye method of mold inspection. NYC mold inspections is one of Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.’s fortes. Mold inspection involves the use of objective and visual assessment to identify the cause of mold problem. The efficacy of Five Boro’s mold inspection and mold removal procedures are all dependent in their professional inspectors’ keen eyes, dedication, and their use of avant-garde mold inspection equipments.

Mold inspection is a prerequisite to mold removal. Through methodical and meticulous inspection of the over all structural components of the house or building, the inspectors of Five Boro’s New York mold inspection inspection team are able to determine the extent of mold infection and decide on the suitable means of mold remediation. Without prior inspection of the area, mold remediation may not deliver absolute and total voiding of molds. The purpose of the mold inspection is to track down and stop the cause of mold infection before it can cause further damage to one’s household and health.

Five Boro uses up-to-the-minute equipments like infrared scanners and moisture meters, as well as particle detectors to aid them during their NYC mold inspection. Infrared scanners and moisture meters are very useful in spotting areas unseen by the naked eye like between walls, air ducts and ventilation systems. They also come in hand in locating the cause and/or source of moisture such as roof and water pipe leaks. Particle detectors are used to determine whether the surrounding and circulating air is contaminated. With these equipments, Five Boro is able to acquire an eagle eye that lefts nothing unseen. “I’ve seen how their inspectors work, and I mist say that are truly good at what they do and their equipments are really modernized,” said David Michaels, a landlord of an apartment in New York.

Part of Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.’s NYC mold inspections is mold testing. Mold testing and air sampling are done in order to classify the type of mold growth based on the mold’s deoxyribonucleic acid content, whether it is a toxic black mold or just an ordinary white mold commonly found devouring dreads. The mold testing is done in an independent laboratory. Five Boro offers their clients with a 24 hour turn around mold testing report and comprehensive interpretation of the infrared and moisture meter scan pictures, as well as on the spot preliminary review of their New York mold inspection services.

About Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.
Five Boro is a mold remediation company based New York that offers quality mold inspection, mold remediation and water damage restoration services at a reasonable price. They have offices in Brooklyn, Long Island and Manhattan and offer 24/7 mold and water damage emergency support. For 10 years in a row, Five Boro has never failed in giving premium and satisfactory services to their clients

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Certified Mold Inspections
New York
Tel: 718-677-6653


Manhattan, New York – For the past years of servicing hundreds of families in the metropolitan and district areas of New York, Certified Mold Inspections, Inc. (CMI) takes pride in their inimitable NYC Mold Removal Services. Their forte is focused on the removal of the “toxic” black mold. Their 10 years of experience in the field of mold remediation together with the advancements in technology, CMI was able to build a reputable name and continues to prevail as New York’s prominent and foremost black mold removal experts.

Black molds are perilous to human health especially to those whose immune defenses are low. If not seen and proper immediate remediation is not rendered, it will cause a devastating effect to the fibrous structural components of the house by devouring on every surface on which it has cultivated. Moisture is what keeps the black molds thrive especially in dark and cool places like basement, air conditioning vents and walls. Once their life source isn’t dealt with, the influxation will continue to cause silent yet appalling damage to properties and one’s health.

Certified Mold Inspections, Inc.’s strong point is on black mold removal. Their equipments and facilities are all avant-garde to ensure that accurate mold testing and NYC mold removal services are delivered with precision and efficiency. Certified Mold Inspections, Inc.’s staffs are all professionals and have one common mission – to rid New York of the hazardous black mold and promote healthy green living. Their years of training, involvement and thorough knowledge of the mold remediation have made them the connoisseurs of mold removal.

CMI also ensure client satisfaction by rendering quality inspection and mold remediation service. Martha Smith, Businesswoman and CMI client stated, “I’m amazed as to what CMI has done with my home. They have totally eliminated my mold problem and even provided me with a thorough mold inspection report in a timely manner. Their operators and inspectors are courteous and are all efficient with their jobs”.
CMI takes pride in their advanced and technological method of mold removal using the latest equipments such as infrared scanners and moisture detectors to thoroughly scan the over all structure of the houses, offices and establishments for possible mold lair and infestation. They also use superior toxic cleansing gear and EPA approved disinfectants, advocating the use environment and ozone friendly products. Their HEPA-Vacuum processes also ensure that mold allergens in the air are voided to prevent mycotoxins inhalation. They also embrace the use Dry Ice blasting procedures to thoroughly destroy and clean black mold. It is the best alternative to manual sanding as it less tedious and offers optimum remediation of mold.
About CMI
CMI follows the S520 guidelines recommended by IICRC and IAQA in there NYC mold removal services. They are available from 9am-5pm from Mondays to Fridays and also offer 24 hour service per client request. CMI conducts mold testing in there laboratory before and after the remediation process to make certain that airborne mold spores are totally eradicated and offers their trademark satisfaction guarantee to all of their clients.
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Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.
1565 Hendrickson Street
Brooklyn, New York 11234
(646) 758-0547


Manhattan, New York – Five Boro Mold Specialist, New York’s leading mold remediation expert emphasizes the importance of mold removal in the household as precautionary measure against the hazardous mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are toxic byproducts of mold metabolism that cause noxious illnesses such as cough, asthma attacks, eye irritation, skin rashes, fatigue, sore throat, severe allergic reactions and respiratory tract infections.

In certain conditions where molds are able to condusively grow and proliferate and form colonies, the level of mycotoxins there are relatively high and so requires immediate action. Self remediation of large quantity of mold is not sensible. It requires careful implementation of mold removal methods. If not done properly, mold removal can result to the detachment of mold spores that contains the mycotoxins. Once this happen, it’s not only your carpets or other fibrous furnishings that are contaminated but also the circulating air. Since mycotoxins are minute particles that are invisible to the naked eye, there is always a big possibility that these toxic substances can enter the human body.

Five Boro’s i New York mold removal
involves the initial process of area assessment in order to ascertain and estimate the extent of mold influx and to determine the appropriate methods to apply in safely removing the molds. In more than 10 years of experience in mold inspection, mold removal, and water damage restoration services to the public, Five Boro Mold Specialist’s team of professional mold remediators are highly experienced and efficient specialists who are able to render premium mold remediation services. “We see to it that we guarantee client satisfaction in every aspect of what we,” said Adam Friou, one of Five Boro’s mold specialist. The New York mold removal that we offer is one step ahead of other mold remediation companies,” Friou added.

Five Boro Mold Specialist Inc. focuses on rendering mold removal services in all over New York. Their New York mold removal facility is composed of sophisticated amenities customized to meet the mold remediation demands of the public. The specialists at Five Boro understand the exigency of the mold problem and that they see to it that they serve their clients with utmost professionalism and enthusiasm.

Five Boro’s New York Mold removal services include full inspections, accurate lab testing, fast 24 hour turn around of detailed and comprehensive investigation reports, fast turn around of inspection, mold containing, fogging, air sanitizing, disinfection of contaminated furnishings, restoration and a lot more. They also offer special services like 24 hours mold reversal per client’s request.

About Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc.
Five Boro Mold Specialist, Inc. has more than 10 years of quality service and has offered New York mold removal techniques to more 100 families coming from the boroughs and metropolitan areas of New York. It is a well-established mold removal company that geared towards the provision of green healthy living to the community.

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The Importance of Mold Inspection in the Promotion of Health

The Importance of Mold Inspection in the Promotion of Health

Did you know that having your home checked for mold is vital in the promotion and maintenance of health? The visual inspection of the nooks and cranny as well as the hard to reach places of your household is the most important preliminary step in the identification of possible mold infestation. If you live in one of the boroughs and metropolitan localities of New York, then perhaps you might what to have your home checked by the best mold inspectors of the city. NYC mold inspections is the leading and pioneering company in the City of New York that offers mold remediation services, water damage restoration as well as quality New York Mold Inspection services.

You should be concerned if you have mold contamination in your home. Most of these molds thrive in dark and damp areas usually in basements, under the sink and parts of the house with leaks like plumbing and roof. When unseen and left unaided, mold could cause serious health hazards as well as tremendous structural damage to your furnishings. Frequent exposure to mold spores can cause sensitization and develop allergic reactions and health concerns especially to those whose immune systems are compromised.

CMI NYC mold inspection renders only the best and comprehensive New York mold inspection in New York. Its team of professional mold inspectors have years of experience in home, office, schools, hospitals and other establishments mold inspection. They use only the state of the art technology in their inspections. Some of their high-tech equipments include the Infrared Thermal Imaging cameras that are very much useful in locating water invasion in the areas of the home unseen by the baked eye. Another cutting-edged equipment that CMI use in their New York mold inspection is the Moisture Meter that could either be intrusive or non intrusive in nature. Moisture meters are used to measure the humidity or moisture in certain parts of your house like wooden panels or walls.

Mold inspection should not be mistakenly interchanged with mold testing. Mold testing is part of the inspection process and is done in a different way. Mold inspection uses visual assessment of the area to determine the severity of water damage and mold contamination. Visual inspection is crucial in determining the appropriate mold remediation technique to be used in eradication the contamination. With CMI NYC mold inspectors, you can be sure that no old is left unseen. They see to it that the ventilation systems, ceilings, gypsum, cardboards and other fibrous areas of your house are checked.

After their New York mold inspection
, the inspectors of CMI provides the homeowners with a mold inspection reports that includes the scope of work performed, a summary of the contamination’s current co0ndition, results of la test done during mold testing, detailed and comprehensive explanation of the infrared and moisture meter readings. CMI’s laboratory is licensed by the US EPA to operate and analyze mold samples and identify it according to its DNA.

New York mold inspection is just one of the many services that CMI has to offer. With over 10 years of experience in the mold remediation industry, CMI continues to prevail as the leading mold remediation expert and has served hundreds of families and establishments in New York City.
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Black Mold Removal: Is it Safe?

Black Mold Removal: Is it Safe?

Black molds are also known as “toxic molds”. They are labeled as such because unlike any other mold types, black mold can cause health hazards. Black molds prefer to thrive in damp areas most especially in organic and inorganic materials that are cellulose or fibrous in consistency like paper, cardboard, bread, lint, ceiling, wooden panels, carpets and a lot more. Black mold can contaminate and start to cultivate in your household in cases where there is water flood damage and constant dampening in a particular area of your house caused by water pipe leaks. Initiate black mold removal as early as possible, so as to prevent it from spreading and contaminating other areas of your household.
Upon contamination, black molds can proliferate in as short as 24-48 hours. By this timeframe, it may already cause great damage to your furnishings. Black mold removal is the only way that’s appropriate to get rid of these rankles. However, black mold removal is something that should not be misunderstood. It’s not like your regular dusting and cleaning. You are not allowed to scrape off the black mold. Remember that black molds are toxic. They are called so because they contain with them mycotoxins which are byproducts of their metabolism. Mycotoxins are contained in mold spores that are easily detached from the black mold and can contaminate the circulating air. Scraping the mold would only lead to accidental inhalation and ingestion of the mold spores. When inhaled, the mycotoxins in molds spores can cause cough, allergic reactions, skin rashes, hemoptysis (coughing out of blood), respiratory tract infection, conjunctivitis or eye irritation, nausea and vomiting, and fatigue to an immunocompromised host and a lot more potentially life threatening ailments.
Black mold removal is not safe especially when done the wrong way. Scrupulous mold removal with the use of fungicides and antimicrobial agents are the best means to remove the mold infestation. Your initial step to make is to locate and eliminate the source of cultivation. In the case of molds, their life source comes from moisture and humidity. If the cause of, black mold growth is pipe leaks, fix it. Once the problem is fixed, you can now proceed with the black mold removal.
Firstly, contain the black mold in one area by preventing it from spreading into uncontaminated areas. So how can you contain black mold? By making wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling plastic sheeting around the mold growth, you will be able to contain the black mold. Dry up the area to prevent the moisture from sipping in further by using dehumidifiers. The use of standard electric fans is not advisable as fanning can cause the mold spores to spread and contaminate the air.
Once the black mold is contained and the work area is dried, you are now ready to go the next step of black mold removal; the killing of the mold. With proper protective shield such as gloves, mask, eye shields, biohazard suits, start the killing of the black mold by fogging or spraying the area with all organic and natural fungicides and home remedies for killing mold. Natural forms of mold killing agents are safer and advocates green living. Bleaches are not advisable as they can’t kill molds. Let the fungicides stay for an hour to ascertain optimum mold killing.
Once the toxic molds are killed, you may now proceed with the removal of the mold. Black mold removal is done by scrubbing the area with mold cleaners that are advocated by the EPA. Once the molds are fully removed, get rid of the materials that are contaminated and replace them with materials that do not permit mold growth to prevent the mold from coming back. Prevention is the last and final step of the black mold removal process. Removing mold is one sure way to guarantee the safety of you and your family’s health.
If you are uncertain as how to implement the black mold removal process, you may contact the black mold removal experts like Certified Mold Inspections Inc. CMI have been in the business of mold removal for over a decade and is the leading black mold removal expert in New York, offering services like fumigation, mold inspections, mold testing and a lot more.
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