Friday, May 25, 2012

New York City mold inspection

New York City mold inspection

New York City Mold Inspection: Is Bleach An Effective Mold Cleaner?

If you have mold in your home, you have probably tried every product in the market claiming to be moldicides even. Like most Americans you may have not met with success in fighting mold. Most homeowners assume that bleach is a great cleaner and can get rid of stubborn mold. The truth is that very often unbeknownst to homeowners they worsen the problem of mold when bleach is randomly applied to areas that are suspected of mold according to New York City mold inspection contractors.

Mold thrives on moisture as a nutrient source, so when bleach which is mostly water is used to douse an area that is suspected of mold, the water seeps down in to the surface and further causes the proliferation of mold. The active ingredient in the surface does not penetrate the surface and therefore any mold that is hidden deep under the surface is seldom exposed to the bleach according to New York City mold inspection contractors. For this reason alone, New York City mold inspection contractors recommend that bleach not be used if the mold exists under the surface that cannot be seen. The outcome of such a treatment is that the bleach provides moisture to the mold further encouraging its growth according to New York City mold inspection contractors.

It is the recommendation of New York City mold inspection contractors to use bleach only when there is mold only on the surface. For anything deeper, you may have to take more invasive measures such as with a New York City mold inspection contractor. It may be required to rip open the surface in order to address the mold issue. Other moldicides are available that are just as effective in getting rid of surface mold, but perhaps the most inexpensive and direct approach to mold removal is using soap and water along with an abrasive sponge. This method has been found to be agreeable with most folks as there is no unpleasant odor or side effects from a solution of soap and water.

Perhaps even more important than any cleaning solution you may use, mold is best prevented by keeping an eye on any moisture intrusion that you may encounter. There is no question that being careful on this front by far has the most reliable mold prevention benefits of all.

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